Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yoga in Acapulco

Well, we made it! I've been in Acapulco for a week now learning all kinds of things about yoga that I never expected to learn as well as learning a lot of other things while I'm here. So I know you are thinking, "you've been there a week and are just now writing about it??" Actually this is the first day off we've had in a week, and I've only had a little time to myself daily, and well, writing a blog wasn't the first thing on my list. Sorry! We do yoga in the morning, eat, have classes on yoga philosophy and yoga technique, eat, have about 1 1/2 hours free for playing on the beach or in the pool, more yoga philosophy and yoga technique, then yoga again in the afternoon. All in all, about 4-5 hours of yoga practice a day!

We aren't actually in Acapulco proper, but are on the beach just south of Acapulco about 15 miles or so. We are away from the hustle and bustle of Acapulco in a lovely place called Bambuddha. My friend Beverly and I decided to do this yoga teacher training last fall and have been waiting anxiously for it to begin. We stayed the first night in Acapulco and couldn't wait to get out. Acapulco is very touristy, wall-to-wall high rise hotels, and that's about it. I will say that if you ever find yourself there and want a really good place to eat, check out one of the many 100% Natural Restaurants; they are great!

We arrived at Bambuddha to find a beautiful atmosphere, beautiful people and some nice peace and quiet. This place is hand built very lovingly with palapas on the beach for lounging, a beautiful pool, a large yoga shala, an outdoor kitchen, bar and eating area, and about 10 rooms. There are stained glass windows everywhere, handmade bamboo and palm doors, tables, etc., and the most beautiful artwork you've ever seen. The energy here is incredible. And to top it off, Vistarra, one of the owners is the only female pilot in Mexico and flys ultralight aircraft right off the beach. There is a sweat lodge, and a massage therapist at your becon call. I don't want to leave!! I just wish my spanish was a little better! Oh yeah, and there are two awesome great danes! And the sunsets are spectacular!
I'll write more later, but right now there is a party going on next door and we are invited! Remember the 100% Natural restaurants? The owner lives next door and is throwing a big party for his 3-year-old neice! More for the adults I think with alcohol, dancing and fireworks! Though there was a bouncy slide on the beach this afternoon for the kids. What in the world will this child get when she turns 16???
Ah, life is good!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Getting it together for Acapulco!

If anyone follows my Healthy Living Blog, you know that I am into yoga, and I've decided to get certified to teach. Later this month, I'll be heading to Acapulco to do just that. My good friend Beverly and I will be going to Bambuddha just outside of Acapulco for 2 1/2 weeks of yoga teacher training. We will be trained in Integrative Yoga Therapy (IYT). "The IYT style of yoga emphasizes making yoga accessible to all regardless of age or level of fitness. This program will allow you to discover yoga as a healing art and will support you in developing skills that are adaptable to teaching all populations." I am really looking forward to this training and spending 2 1/2 weeks on the beach in Mexico with a really good friend! Of course I'll be taking photos and uploading them while I'm there (assuming we have free time), so stay tuned!

When I get back, I'll be looking for teaching opportunities, but not sure yet where that will lead me. We'll just see when the time comes.....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just can't get enough!

After a family Christmas with a house full of family and friends, Dave and I escaped to St. Thomas for some much needed relaxation. This time we stayed on the east end at a condo on Cabrita Point. It was about 30 feet from the waters edge and we had a great view of the boats coming and going from Red Hook harbor (above).

We made a trip over to St. John one day and hiked from Cruz Bay over to Saloman Beach, and then went to our favorite Happy Hour at Woody's Seafood Saloon and then on to the Beach Bar . This photo is from Saloman Bay Beach.

We also visited several beaches on St. Thomas including Brewer's Bay (twice), Lindquist Bay, Coki Beach, Magen's (twice), Secret Harbor, Vessup Bay (right near our condo) and Caret Bay. We watched Sean, our friends 6 year old do a little skim boarding at Magen's. He's quite good for a 6 year old!

This sunset over Red Hook from the beach in front of our condo was spectacular!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Keep Albany Beautiful (aka You Might be a Redneck...)

Well, I'm back in Albany after two weeks at home to take care of a few things. This came in my Dad's mail and really made me laugh, so I thought I'd share it. It speaks volumes about this area, and you'll see what I mean when I say Albany is different. If any of you know Jeff Foxworthy, this would be a great "you might be a redneck if..."!

There are parts of Albany that are really beautiful. Below are a couple of examples. The first is a river house that is on Byron Plantation. It's way off the road set among some really old pecan trees. I was able to zoom in to get the photo, but it doesn't really do it justice. The 2nd photo is of a cotton field just before harvest. It's hard to see the actual cotton because it looks like a glare on the plant, but these plants were full of cotton balls, and the fields go on forever.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Most Beautiful Beaches in the World!

My Dad is much better and insisted that I go home for a little while, so I went home for a few days and then came down to "the beach". My vacation home is at Laguna Beach, FL, right next to Panama City Beach - the Redneck Riviera. You can see other photos of it on my vacation rental website at We will be here all week and it's been wonderful so far. The beaches are as lovely as ever though there is evidence that a hurricane or two has come very close recently. The water is still warm enough that you can get in to cool off, and the weather has been perfect in the low 80's. The fishing has been good too! Dave caught 2 spanish mackerel, some bluefish, flounder, and a few other things. We've been eating mackerel and bluefish for several days now. Yum!

Tonight, the Indian Summer Seafood Festival kicks off and we plan to go. This festival used to be a small beach seafood festival where lots of local restaurants and self proclaimed seafood chefs would get together in competition. Then they added the entertainment and fair rides, and the arts/crafts, and in the last couple of years they've gone upscale and now have a wine competition and wine tasting. I think Blues Traveler is playing there tonight among other local bands. Should be a fun evening for $17!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Still in Albany

I'm still in Albany with my Dad, but things are looking better. He's been through almost 5 weeks of radiation therapy and the docs are encouraged by the results thus far. Of course some days are better than others, but he's doing remarkably well.

Since my last post, Tropical Storm Fay visited us here in Albany and dumped about 6 inches of rain on us. She also dropped a big pine tree limb on my Dad's work van. Like we needed one more thing to worry with! The insurance company totalled it because in addition to the winshield being demolished, there were dents in almost every panel of the body. We've been able to get the windshield fixed and it's driveable now, just a little scarred.

Albany is a strange town. For example, the only Starbucks in town is at the hospital (at least it's the only one I've seen so far). There's very little organic produce/products in stores except at Publix and one health food store, but this is farming country so there are roadside stands and neighbors with gardens all around so we've been able to get some good stuff. The peaches have been outstanding this year and we've probably eaten 20 lbs of them over the last few weeks. I have been able to get back to Atlanta for a couple of days and have to make trips to Trader Joes and Whole Foods while I'm there to stock up.

My camera battery is dead and I can't seem to locate my extra battery or charger - probably in the same location wherever they are - but hopefully will be able to get another one soon so I can take some photos here. There are parts of Albany that are quite beautiful.

Until then, keep the positive thoughts coming our way. We aren't quite out of the woods yet, but I know that a large part of Albany and the rest of the country are praying for us and sending positive energy to me and my Dad. Thank you all!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Slight Change of Plans

Well, I made it back from St. Thomas and then spent a few days at the beach in Panama City when I received a call from my father telling me that his doctor wanted to put him in the hospital. So I traveled to Albany immediately and have been here ever since. Not to publish his medical information here, suffice it to say that something is creating problems for blood flow to his leg and we are awaiting the diagnosis which should come later this week. He's out of the hospital, but on bed rest until further notice and a treatment plan is determined by his docs. So for now my travel plans are on hold until we know where this is going.

Albany is the town where I grew up, so it's very familiar, though very changed since I last lived here in 1977. My father has some awesome friends here and they have been wonderful. They have brought food, run errands, gave me tickets to the Little Theatre and have sat with Daddy so I can go out. Cooking meals is as easy as putting some of the wonderful meals they've prepared for us into the microwave or toaster oven to heat them up. We've had the best fresh butterbean, field peas, peaches and blueberries, and all kinds of other dishes that have been excellent. Gotta love that southern hospitality!!

Please send positive thoughts and good vibes our way!