Thursday, September 18, 2008

Still in Albany

I'm still in Albany with my Dad, but things are looking better. He's been through almost 5 weeks of radiation therapy and the docs are encouraged by the results thus far. Of course some days are better than others, but he's doing remarkably well.

Since my last post, Tropical Storm Fay visited us here in Albany and dumped about 6 inches of rain on us. She also dropped a big pine tree limb on my Dad's work van. Like we needed one more thing to worry with! The insurance company totalled it because in addition to the winshield being demolished, there were dents in almost every panel of the body. We've been able to get the windshield fixed and it's driveable now, just a little scarred.

Albany is a strange town. For example, the only Starbucks in town is at the hospital (at least it's the only one I've seen so far). There's very little organic produce/products in stores except at Publix and one health food store, but this is farming country so there are roadside stands and neighbors with gardens all around so we've been able to get some good stuff. The peaches have been outstanding this year and we've probably eaten 20 lbs of them over the last few weeks. I have been able to get back to Atlanta for a couple of days and have to make trips to Trader Joes and Whole Foods while I'm there to stock up.

My camera battery is dead and I can't seem to locate my extra battery or charger - probably in the same location wherever they are - but hopefully will be able to get another one soon so I can take some photos here. There are parts of Albany that are quite beautiful.

Until then, keep the positive thoughts coming our way. We aren't quite out of the woods yet, but I know that a large part of Albany and the rest of the country are praying for us and sending positive energy to me and my Dad. Thank you all!